NST Enviro Anti Stick Photocatalyst is a single pack clear mix solution applied to the surface to allow the safe and rapid removal of all form of illegal stickers and graffiti, without the use of harsh cleaning chemical.
NST Enviro Anti Stick Photocatalyst is different to other anti stick treatments for it protects the surfaces and are able to be self cleaned with water eliminating the need for hazardous chemical cleaner.
NST Enviro Anti Stick Photocatalyst can be applied to exterior and interior surfaces including concrete, brick, stone, render, fibreglase, timber, metal, cladding, painted surfaces and traffic and general signages.
New Signages Manufacturers can apply NST Enviro Anti Stick photocatalyst as a finish product prior to installation, Not only it provide permanent protection against illegal stickers, posters and adhesire tapes and graffiti attack it also add UV protection and life to paintwork.